I remembered to update my page on 5/26/2013
Umamah bint Zayd al-Andalusiyyah
Project Gallery 2004-2005
This is an 18 strand triangular braid. The material used was crochet cotton. The edge color is yellow. The interior colors are white, green and black. I made 2 of these in the summer of 2004. Each one was approxiamately 36 inches long. The diameter of the braids are about 1/4 of an inch the next picture is the same braids next to an ink pen. I also made this pattern in Red and Black and finally got to keep one of my own braids for myself (woohoo). Digital Camera Death is not fun let me tell ya', but a flat bed scanner isn't too bad a substitute...
These braids are 8 strand cotton crochet.
The black and white braid is a variation movement of the green and yellow braid. This variation can be found in Creative Kumihimo by Jacqui Carey. The pattern is "8H".
The green and yellow braid is called Maru Yattsu Gumi. This braid was traditionally used in tying decorative knots called hana-musubi. Chinese decorative knots are very similiar. The Green and Yellow braids were given as Kingdom Largesse to the Kingdom of the Outlands-- SCA, Inc. www.sca.org www.outlands.org This braid pattern can be found in Catherine Martin's Book and Jacqui Carey's Books as the Hollow Round or 8F.